Third World Eyes

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Location: East Bay Area, California, United States

A devoted mom, wife, daughter. Workwise, a former DJ, TV producer, web editor and a freelance photographer. A jill of all trades, mistress of none.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Love in the Time of Cholesterol

love for bacon...
love for cheeseburgers...
love for crispy pata...

Such a paradox when your only love stems from your only hate. Not to be melodramatic but today, I discovered my cholesterol levels have hit the roof. At 265, my cholesterol levels are now "flagged" for heart attack risk. So, after Thanksgiving, I am going on a diet. Yes, it's been said before (in this blog no less) but this time, it's my health at stake. From here on, I will exercise more and eat more healthy. And starting tomorrow, I will do my blog ala Bridget Jones.


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