Third World Eyes

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Location: East Bay Area, California, United States

A devoted mom, wife, daughter. Workwise, a former DJ, TV producer, web editor and a freelance photographer. A jill of all trades, mistress of none.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Unveiling a New Superhero

Much to our surprise, my 3-year-old has finally taken to the concept of "dressing up." An old family friend gave us a Spiderman costume, which I had pretty much written off as an ebay to-sell item. But he proudly put the costume on and did a little song-and-dance number to the Spiderman theme, while checking himself out in the mirror. Well...looks like we're all set for Halloween!

Spiderman scales a California King size bed, with only his bare hands and an Ikea footstool!

Spiderman, Spiderman,
Does whatever a spider can
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies
Look Out!
Here comes the Spiderman.

Of course, my lispy speech delayed son says it as "Pie-ther-men." It's adorable all the same.


Blogger u l a n said...

spideypie! hahahaha. he looks funny with the mask on his head!

but yes adorable always =P

8:22 AM  

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