Laundry seems to consume my days. At all given times, I either have to do a load of laundry, fold a load of laundry, put a load of laundry into the dryer (it's been in the washer for two days already), or decide whether to transfer a load of laundry from the bed into the basket or on the dining table. Sometimes I choose the dining table because it's a visual reminder that I need to fold it. *sigh* Such issues. I'm so lame.
So in efforts to make my domestic life a little easier, I succumbed to true consumerism via the HSN (or to you rural folk, Home Shopping Network.) The product in discussion? The fabulous
Flip'n'Fold! Ah...the Flip'n'Fold, its lackluster folds don't reveal the joy within. In truth, it looks pretty flimsy. And upon closer inspection, it's just a piece of plastic, that folds into three portions with a little flip at the end. And it doesn't even fold the laundry for you - you still need to fold it yourself. But what it does for you is help you fold laundry EXACTLY the same size everytime! It makes the closets and drawers a whole lot neater, and makes the task of laundry-folding a little less mundane. And for someone whose days' highlight is naptime, there is the really giddy satisfaction of having neatly folded clothes.
How much you may ask, is the price of this fantastic contraption? According to the website, it's about $15. Well worth every penny for a organizing freak like me.
Now back to regular programming. Change channel now.